Jacobsen proves winner in Australia

Jacobsen proves winner in Australia
Sean Dudley
By Sean Dudley

Kwinana Golf Club, Calista, WA has become the first course in Western Australia to purchase Jacobsen’s Eclipse 322, one of the most environmentally sound models on the market.

The diesel-electric hybrid mower is built without the use of hydraulic systems, ensuring that no hydraulic oil can contaminate the golf course and has a much smaller diesel engine so requires less fuel to run.

“From an environmental perspective, the Eclipse 322 wins on several levels,” said Eric Dennis, superintendent at Kwinana. “It’s much quieter than a conventional riding green mower, so it helps with noise pollution and the smaller engine uses much less fuel, which means less emissions coupled with reduced fuel bills. And with no hydraulic oil whatsoever, there’s no chance of accidental leak because there’s no hydraulic hoses or couplings to fail.

“This is the first Eclipse 322 to be delivered in Western Australia and we’re absolutely delighted with its performance.”