Lower nine at Pease Golf Course reopens following Booth’s redesign

Lower nine at Pease Golf Course reopens following Booth’s redesign
Sean Dudley
By Sean Dudley

The lower nine holes at Pease Golf Course have reopened for play following a renovation project led by architect Brad Booth.

Situated in the US state of New Hampshire, work began at the course in October 2012. An upgrade of the club’s nine-hole course, known as the Blue nine, was completed in May 2013.

Booth, who worked alongside Wadsworth Golf Construction on the project, explained to GCA that previously the lower nine holes were ‘completely flat, subject to flooding, full of riprap drainage ways and poorly routed.’

The recent project saw changes made to the routing, and the introduction of a new underground drainage system.

Booth said that that the feedback has been very positive and golfers are enjoying the experience of playing the renovated holes.

An in-depth interview with Brad Booth in which he discusses the Pease Golf Course project in more detail is available here.