Troon relaxes daily fee dress codes

Sean Dudley

Course operator Troon is to relax the dress code at its daily fee golf properties in an attempt to make them more welcoming and accepting environments for new players.

Although some of its courses may vary these guidelines slightly, most Troon properties will now allow players to wear shorts of any style, though the company suggests that players should 'try to present them at a length that everyone wants to look at. While gym shorts look best at the gym, we welcome you if that makes you comfortable to play golf'.

“While history and tradition have always added to golf’s appeal, the game has always embraced the evolution of golf attire in the name of both fashion and performance,” said Ryan Walls, Troon's senior vice president of operations. “It is important that our facilities adapt with golfers’ preferences by updating dress guidelines to ensure they always feel excepted and comfortable every time they visit.”

“Socially accepted golf shirts are appreciated, but your comfort is most important. The nicer you look, the better you will play, so goes the rumour,” the new guidelines continue. “Denim (gasp!) is welcomed in the clubhouse at appropriate times. Footwear is always required in the clubhouse. The club would prefer to see something other than sneakers during dinner hours and special events.”