Delhi Development Authority appoints GDI to extend Bhalswa course

  • Bhalswa
    Golf Design India
Richard Humphreys
By Richard Humphreys

Delhi Development Authority has appointed Golf Design India to renovate the nine-hole Bhalswa course in New Delhi, and to extend it to 18 holes.

The project is at the design stage with Golf Design India hoping to finalise plans later this year.

“The current nine-hole course was developed by the authority without much expertise,” said Vijit Nandrajog principal architect at Golf Design India. “The current layout has many weaknesses including safety issues, a lack of strategic interest, and poor aesthetics. We will be completely rerouting these nine holes.”

The project will be approached in two phases and is expected to take two years to complete.

Additional land, located next to the existing nine, was provided for the project by the Delhi Development Authority. “The land is absolutely flat with no natural features that can be used for golf,” said Nandrajog. “We will be designing the additional nine in this area, considering that the overall design for the project will result in creation of two separate loops starting and ending near the existing clubhouse. Our design will work to create interesting landforms throughout the site to improve character, drainage and aesthetics.

“The site itself is not big enough to create a very long golf course by modern standards. Therefore, our design intent would be to instil challenge and strategy in every hole by using other means such as strategic positioning of hazards and creating interest in play by creating undulations and landforms.”

The existing practice facilities will also be completely renovated.

“There are over a dozen golf courses in and around Delhi, but this is the only one in the north west part of the city,” said Nandrajog. “We see great potential here and when this 18-hole golf course is completed, it is likely to attract a great number of existing as well as new golfers.”