News | 01 April 2007

Golf's new horizons

One only has to read the pages of Golf Course Architecture, with its regular announcements of new courses being built, to understand that golf development continues to grow at a rapid rate.
News | 01 April 2007

How to beat slow play

Slow play is one of the curses of modern golf and one solution to the problem lies in the hands of course architects.
News | 01 April 2007

Career development

How do budding architects get started? We talked to a number of relative newcomers to the business to find out.
News | 01 January 2007

Golf spreads its wings

The game of golf continues to develop around the world. Which golf markets will be the hotspots of the future?
News | 01 January 2007

The Carrick on Loch Lomond

It might have been one of the mildest autumns on record, but it didn't feel like it teeing off at The Carrick in October.
News | 01 January 2007

Northwick Park

Time, we are continually told, is one of the biggest single obstacles to the growth of golf.
News | 01 January 2007

Help or hindrance?

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has come a long way since its formal inception in the USA over 35 years ago.
News | 01 January 2007

Grand designs for Tiger

Tiger Woods has taken his presence in the golf industry a stage further by launching Tiger Woods Design – a golf course design company that plans to embark upon projects around the world.
News | 01 January 2007

Monty signed for Bahrain

Colin Montgomerie, along with architecture practice European Golf Design, has been signed up to design an 18-hole tournament golf course and nine hole short course for the Riffa Golf and Residential Development Company in Bahrain.