News | 01 October 2006

Bundoran enters second phase of redesign

Having completed a rebunkering project last year, Swan Golf Designs has started work on the second phase of renovation at Bundoran Golf Club in County Donegal, Ireland.
News | 01 October 2006

Sureshot launches

A new handheld GPS device for golfers has been launched by joint developers Golf Plus and the Australian firm Tee2Green Technologies.
News | 01 October 2006

Short shrift

Along with Peter McEvoy and a little further back Michael Bonallack, Gary Wolstenholme is among the greatest amateur golfers Britain has produced in the modern era.
News | 01 October 2006

Collaborators will be… encouraged

Following more than three years of planning, construction has finally started at Sagebrush Golf and Sporting Club, some three hours drive east from Vancouver, in British Columbia's unique, desert-like interior.
News | 01 October 2006

Pond life

The best way to find a solution to your water quality problems is to obtain a better understanding of the components that impact the delicate balance of a pond's ecosystem.
News | 01 October 2006

The future of golf housing

The traditional approach to golf housing has been to line the fairways with as much housing as possible to maximise the bottom line.